Lighting Towers

B6 road - north/west intersection


For adjustment and approval.

Not yet released.

  • Auftraggeber:
    Freie und Hansestadt Bremen
  • Technische Parameter
    • Höhe der Türme:
      ca. 40 m
    • Durchmesser der Bühne:
      4,80 m
    • Schaftdurchmesser am Kopf:
      0,80 m
    • Schaftdurchmesser am Fuß:
      1,50 m
  • Baujahr: 1971 bzw. 1984
  • Unsere Leistung:
    Nachrechnung inkl. Bestimmung der Restnutzungsdauer

Safety first.

To illuminate the B6 road in Bremen’s urban area, 14 lighting towers are installed in the neighbourhood of the north/west intersection. In the course of an examination of the structure, damage was detected in two of the towers, indicating the possibility of a stability failure. The defective towers were therefore dismantled as a precaution. We were commissioned to conduct recalculations and assessments of the load-bearing capacity of the remaining structures.

Our services covered verifications of load-bearing capacity in accordance with current norms as well as a determination of the remaining useful lifetime of the structures, which are susceptible to vibration. Because the natural frequencies and damping factors of the towers have a considerable influence on the verification of fatigue, these values were determined in advance by means of structural measurements.

Unfortunately, on account of unfavourable available construction details as well as the stricter requirements demanded for verification against fatigue in accordance with current norms, an adequate remaining useful lifetime could not be verified. Therefore the remaining lighting towers also had to be dismantled. Safety comes first.